Till now, we have “lightning component” access limited to
salesforce org itself. But from Salesforce
Spring ’16 Release, we can run Lightning Components Apps Anywhere.
Whether it’s a Node.js app running on Heroku, a department
server inside the firewall, or even SharePoint, build your custom app with Force.com and run it wherever your users are.
There are simple steps to use Lightning Out.
- Setup and preparation.
- Create a reference to a Lightning Components app that includes dependency information about the components you intend to use.
- Create components on the page to build the page’s functionality.
Follow the below steps.
1) Create the component.
Hello! Lightning
Out is here!!
2) Create the application.
<aura:application access="Global"
extends="ltng:outApp" implements="ltng:allowGuestAccess "
<aura:dependency resource='c: ltngout />
Extending “ltng:outApp”, makes your lightning bundle
publically available. Once you extend “ltng:outApp”, and you try to preview the
app, it won’t run.
3) Now create the visualforce page from where you want to run
lightning app using Lightning out.
<apex:page showHeader="false" sidebar="false" >
<apex:includeLightning />
id="lightning" />
$Lightning.use("c:LightningOut ", function() {
{ },
function(cmp) {
// do some
c:LightningOut - Lightning application name.
c:ltngout - Lightning component name.
c:LightningOut - Lightning application name.
c:ltngout - Lightning component name.
Now, preview the vf page, you will see the lighting
Congrats you have learned Lightning Out.
Happy Learning!!
Happy Learning!!